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Swarm Lab 2.0 Vision

The University of California at Berkeley, and particularly the Swarm Lab Research Centers, is committed to advancing the state of the art in cyber-physical systems (CPS) foundations and applications in the Internet of Things (IoT). Our mission includes designing and developing new methodologies, software, and hardware, and educating the next generation of engineers.

The work is organized around the following Swarm Lab centers & initiatives:

  • Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Center (iCyPhy) & Distributed Dynamic Systems (DDS)
  • The Human Intranet (HI)

Read more here about the Swarm Lab’s 2.0 Research Vision.

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Swarm Lab Director and Electrical Engineering Prof. Kris Pister, his graduate student Daniel Drew, and research being done in the Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center (BSAC), are featured in a Berkeley Engineering articled titled "Microrobots fly, walk and jump into the future." Pister and his team continue to develop microrobots that can walk, jump, or fly.

Prof. Ana Arias

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Devexpress离线安装包下载!_隔壁老王的博客-CSDN博客:2021-3-18 · 这个链接下载的永远都是最新的离线安装包. 展开阅读全文 点赞 3 评论 3 分享 x 海报分享 ... 隔壁老王 的博客 03-21 3091 Devexpress 各版本中文语言包 太老的版本就不放了,人要众发展的眼光看问题,不能总固守已有陈旧的事务。将语言包解压,放到 ...


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